My dear friends.
first off I must say that I was rather taken back by all the love and care shown by everyone for little Emma. We know we have a very wonderful and special little girl, and I look forward to the day she is old enough and I can show her just how many people’s lives she has already touched.
Since we started the fund raiser, we managed to get it viral, with several articles in most of Sweden’s biggest newspapers. Celebrities and others have shared, retweeted and so many people have helped us reach the first stepping stone: To get enough funds that we can go to Monterrey in Mexico and start Emma’s treatment.
We got word last night that they want to start Emma’s treatments in about 2 weeks, and have asked that we are on location before the end of the month.
We have reached over $250,000 USD, which is a great start, barring any unforeseen circumstances.
What will the money go to?
Two words: Emmas treatments.
Emmas very expensive treatments, which every time will include a full MRI scan, a day in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), the very expensive drugs used in the chemotherapy, and the doctors and nurses used in the special procedure. The early treatments will cost around $15,000-$17,000. Each.
When Emma is well enough to move in to phase two, the immune therapy is added on top of this, which bumps the total cost per treatment up to around $25,000-$27,000.
In case Emma gets ill, or needs more care, and requires intensive care, it is also something we need to pay for, and the cost of this is about $5,000. Per day.
The doctors Dr Siller and Dr Garcia have their offices in the children’s hospital Clinica 0-19 in Monterrey, but the MRI’s and the procedures and actual treatment of Emma will be done at the Hospitales Angeles.
Emma will be receiving treatments every 3 weeks, roughly to begin with, and the precise schedule of when the different types of treatments, is all relative to how she will respond to her treatments.
In two weeks time, I need to sort out all paperwork here in Sweden, I need to make sure to all authorities that we are not emigrating, we are simply going on a long trip to treat our daughter, I need to rent out our apartment, need to find a place to stay in Monterrey and sort a number of things in the mean time.
Thank you all from the bottom of our heart.
Today is a good day.
Today is the day when this emotional roller coaster between no hope and almost utter despair that we’re on, actually brings hope.
You made this happen.
You made this possible.
You have been carrying us when we have been so worn out from constantly banging our heads against the wall.
For that, I can’t ever thank you enough.
Now, let’s fight Emma’s cancer together.
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