Legal Terms
All content on this site, including all names and trademarks, belong to either Micke Askernäs Produktion AB or it’s affiliates and clients and may not be used or reproduced in any form by any third party without the express permission from Micke Askernäs Produktion AB or the respective copyright owner.
No special license required, however, for citation and references to the designs, products, services or web pages, as long as the source and copyright is clearly stated and supplemented with a link to either or the specific page/url referenced.
Legal terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.
Privacy Policy
Personal data is any data that can be used to identify or contact certain individuals. In cases where users are asked to enter personal information on this site it is only done in order to provide the users with the information or the products and services that the users themselves are requesting.
No personal information is shared with third parties without the user’s express permission, and is only used internally to serve our users’ needs as best we can.
Other non-personal data may also be collected, primarily for the purpose of creating anonymous statistical data on how visitors use the site, information that may help with improving the services and the website. This anonymous information may be shared with third party service providers, such as statistical services, but will not be shared with other companies who do not work directly with or for us.
About Cookies
This site uses cookies. Cookies are small information files stored on your computer that allows for storing certain user selections between page loads and customising our site based on visitor activities. They allow tracking which pages users have viewed, and other visitor statistics, that can help with improving the website, products and services.
We never use cookies to permanently store personal information about users, or to track them over time.
If you wish to disable cookies, you may do so in your browser settings (for further assistance with this please refer to the respective browser’s support), but since this site uses cookies then doing so may render aspects of the site unusable to you.